kubectlproxy# proxy to your kubernetes dashboardhelmrepolist# If using helm v3, the stable repository is not set, so you need to manually add it.helmrepoaddstablehttps://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com# Create a monitoring namespace for your clusterkubectlcreatenamespacemonitoringhelm--namespacemonitoringinstallprometheusstable/prometheuskubectl-nmonitoringgetpods# look for 'server'kubectlport-forward-nmonitoring<PROMETHEUS_SERVER_ID>9090# You can now see your prometheus server on: http://localhost:9090# Make sure you are in folder `deployment/`kubectlapply-fmonitoring/grafana/config.ymlhelm--namespacemonitoringinstallgrafanastable/grafana-fmonitoring/grafana/values.yml# Get the admin password for grafana from your kubernetes dashboard.kubectl--namespacemonitoringport-forward<POD_NAME>3000# You can now see your grafana dashboard on: http://localhost:3000# Login with user 'admin' and the password you just looked up.# In your dashboard import this dashboard:# https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/1860# Enter ID 180 and choose "Prometheus" as datasource.# You got metrics!
Now you should see something like this:
You can set up a grafana dashboard, by visiting https://grafana.com/dashboards, finding one that is suitable and copying it's id. You then go to the left hand menu in localhost, choose Dashboard > Manage > Import Paste in the id, click Load, select Prometheus for the data source, and click Import
When you just installed prometheus and grafana, the data will not be available immediately, so wait for a couple of minutes and reload.