

Installation with Docker

Make sure you are on a node version >= v10.12.0:

  node --version


docker-compose up

# create indices etc.
docker-compose exec neo4j migrate

# if you want seed data
# open another terminal and run
docker-compose exec backend yarn run db:seed

App is running on port 4000

To wipe out your neo4j database run:

docker-compose down -v

Installation without Docker

Install dependencies:

Download Neo4j Community Edition and unpack the files.

Download Neo4j Apoc and drop the file into the plugins folder of the just extracted Neo4j-Server

Start Neo4j

neo4j\bin\neo4j start

and confirm it's running here

yarn install
# -or-
npm install


cp .env.template .env

Configure the file .env according to your needs and your local setup.

Start the GraphQL service:

yarn dev
# -or-
npm dev

And on the production machine run following:

yarn start
# -or-
npm start

This will start the GraphQL service (by default on localhost:4000) where you can issue GraphQL requests or access GraphQL Playground in the browser:


Set your Neo4j connection string and credentials in .env. For example:



You need to install APOC as a plugin for the graph you create in the neo4j desktop app!

Note that grand-stack-starter does not currently bundle a distribution of Neo4j. You can download Neo4j Desktop and run locally for development, spin up a hosted Neo4j Sandbox instance, run Neo4j in one of the many cloud options, spin up Neo4j in a Docker container or on Debian-based systems install Neo4j from the Debian Repository. Just be sure to update the Neo4j connection string and credentials accordingly in .env.

Seed and Reset the Database

Optionally you can seed the GraphQL service by executing mutations that will write sample data to the database:

yarn run db:seed
# -or-
npm run db:seed

For a reset you can use the reset script:

yarn db:reset
# -or-
npm run db:reset


Beware: We have no multiple database setup at the moment. We clean the database after each test, running the tests will wipe out all your data!

Run the jest tests:

yarn run test
# -or-
npm run test

Run the cucumber features:

yarn run test:cucumber
# -or-
npm run test:cucumber

When some tests fail, try yarn db:reset and after that yarn db:seed. Then run the tests again

Last updated

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